
Showing posts from February, 2019

No Green Team meeting for Feb. 2019

There is no Green Team Committee this month due to lack of quorum.  The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, March 20, 2019 at 7 p.m.  The location will be the Conference Room at the Municipal Building, 48 Washington Street.

HCD meeting Saturday, Feb. 23, 2019

We are sharing the following notice, in case members of the public did not see it elsewhere.  This posting is not the official public notice of the meeting.  It is for informational purposes only. PUBLIC NOTICE The Housing and Community Development Citizen’s Advisory Committee Meeting schedule for Wednesday February 20 at 7 pm has been CANCELED. The meeting is now RESCEDULED for 11 a.m. Saturday February 23, 2019 in Council Chambers, Criminal Justice Building at 61 Main Street, South River, New Jersey. On or about October 1, 2019, the Borough of South River will be receiving a federal grant in the approximate amount of $76,874 for a program that is called the Community Development Block Grant, which receives its funds under the U.S. Housing and Community Development Act. The Housing and Community Development Citizens’ Advisory Committee will hold an open public meeting to seek the ideas and recommendations from South River residents on how this money is to be spent....

HCD Meeting Date Changed

We are sharing the following notice, in case members of the public did not see it elsewhere.  This posting is not the official public notice of the meeting.  It is for informational purposes only. BOROUGH OF SOUTH RIVER REVISED MEETING NOTICE  The Housing and Community Development Citizens' Advisory Committee of the Borough of South River in the County of Middlesex, State of New Jersey will hold a public meeting on February 20, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Criminal Justice Building at 61 Main Street in South River, New Jersey. The purpose of this meeting is to seek ideas and recommendations for the use of the Community Development Block Grant funds from the Federal Housing and Community Development Act and to make recommendations to the Governing Body on the use of said funds. After the public input, the Citizens' Advisory Committee Members will consider the ideas offered, but only the Committee members can vote on what recommendations will be...

HCD Committee Meeting

We are sharing the following notice, in case members of the public did not see it elsewhere.  This posting is not the official public notice of the meeting.  It is for informational purposes only. BOROUGH OF SOUTH RIVER  M EETING NOTICE   The Housing and Community Development Citizens' Advisory Committee of the Borough of  South River in the County of Middlesex, State of New Jersey will hold a public meeting on February 11, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Criminal Justice Building at 61 Main Street in South River , New Jersey.  The purpose of this meeting is to seek ideas and recommendations for the use of the Community Development Block Grant funds from the Federal Housing and Community Development Act and to make recommendations to the Governing Body on the use of said funds.  After the public input, the Citizens' Advisory Committee Members will consider the ideas offered, but only the Committee members can vote on what recomm...


Below are some goals discussed last year by the Green Team Committee and subcommittees. If there are questions, suggestions, etc. please feel free to reply below. A document incorporating all the responses will be prepared so the full Green Team and subcommittees can decide which items are good for 2019 or no longer feasible. Each of the subcommittees will also work on Sustainable Jersey certification items in their respective subject areas. If you're reading this and sustainability in South River concerns you, then we want your input. ("River Advocacy" and "Transparency and Open Government" subcommittees get retired once their work is complete, unless there are more things they should be tasked with. Feel free to make suggestions.) Community Garden -- creation of pollinator garden, bee keeping, bat houses, nursery for street tree replacement, flower nursery for community beautification projects, Adopt-a-Spot (or street) for clean-ups and beautificati...